Filter Options & Custom Filters

Filtering in your project

Apply a pre-defined or custom filter to quickly find and manage keys.

Table of Contents

  1. Predefined Filters
  2. Custom Filters
  3. Filtering in the Multi-Language View

Predefined Filters

These filters include the following options:

  • Translated Strings that have a target published translation. In case of base language, it means IDs with source text.
  • Untranslated All strings without translation content. In case of base language, it means IDs without source text. Draft strings are not displayed.
  • Unpublished All strings containing draft text. Also strings that contain both the target published strings and draft strings.
  • Locked All locked strings. Such entries cannot be edited until they are unlocked.
  • Needs Attention All strings that have Needs Translation, Needs Review or Rejected status and require linguists' attention.
  • In Order Strings that are included in an active order. Orders are sent to TransPerfect translations via the GL Strings portal.
  • New New strings added to the project.
  • Needs Translation Strings in Needs Translation status. Strings under this category need to be translated.
  • Needs Review Strings in Needs Review status. These are translated strings that need to be reviewed.
  • Rejected Strings in Rejected status. Rejected strings contain errors and should be reviewed.
  • Accepted Strings in Accepted status. Strings under this category were accepted as final.
  • Custom Status This filter option will only be displayed if your team has created custom workflow statuses. Click on it to open a dropdown menu with all your custom workflow statuses.
  • Tag Categories Strings associated to tags in a particular category. There are 4 predefined tag categories: iOS, Android, Web, Jira. If your project contains custom categories, they will also be displayed under this filter option.
  • Orders Strings belonging to each completed translation order. In this filter option, you can select any of your completed order numbers to filter strings that belong to it.
  • Duplicates Two or more identical strings in the base or target languages. To view the results of this filter in context, we recommend that the base language is always selected.
  • Inconsistencies Strings that have the same content for the base language, but various translations. To view the results of this filter in context, we recommend that the base language is always selected.
  • No Tags Content that is not assigned to any tag. This also means that there is no screenshot provided.
  • No Screenshots Strings that do not have an associated screenshot in GL Strings, but might still have a tag.
  • Longer Than Base String The number of characters in the translated string exceeds the number of characters in the base string.
  • With Issues
    • Any Strings that contain any of the below issues.
    • Glossary Term Missing Translations that do not follow the glossary terms.
    • Translation Outdated Published translations that are older than (updated) source.
    • Draft outdated Draft translations that are older than (updated) source.
    • Exceeds Max Length Strings that exceed a manually set character restriction.
    • Validation Failed Strings or string IDs that contain forbidden characters.
    • Variable missing A variable is present in the source base language string, but not present in the target translation.

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Custom Filters

From the Custom filter tab, users can create their own custom filters with one or multiple conditions. These types of filters are stored at a team level, which means that they are shared across all projects within the same team. Additionally, they can be named, saved, reused, and edited.

Custom filter setup

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Creating a Custom Filter
  1. Click New Filter under the Custom tab
  2. Select the criteria from the first dropdown menu
  3. Choose a condition from the second dropdown menu
  4. Specify the condition in the third dropdown menu (and so on)
  5. Click +Add to include additional criteria in the filter

Custom filter setup

Below you can find all the conditions that can be selected in the custom filter dialog:

Custom filter setup

  • Translation filters strings based on their status: empty/not empty, draft/target, locked/unlocked, strings with issues, strings where the source and translated value are identical, or strings that are set to a given status
  • Source filters strings in the base language based on their value: if it's empty/not empty or if the value matches the string ID
  • Key Name allows users to add specific string IDs to a filter. The section below contains more information about this filter option
  • Key Creation Date filters strings based on their creation date
  • Change Date filters strings based on the date they were last updated
  • Changed displays strings that were last edited by a specific team member
  • Tag displays strings linked/not linked to one or multiple tags
  • Metadata filters strings based on their metadata
  • Comments allows users to filter strings with comments or without comments
  • Key filters strings that are linked or not linked
  • Screenshot allows users to filter strings that are linked to a source or translated screenshot, a source or translated variant, and screenshots that are verified or unverified

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Key Name Filter Considerations
  • the key name filter condition can only be used in combination with the tag filter condition.
  • the key name filter condition uses the OR logical operator. When used in combination with the tag filter, the search result will display all the strings linked to the tag AND the string linked to the relevant key name.
  • Users can combine multiple key names in one search. Similarly, the search result will show all the strings linked to the given key names.
  • Users can add a large number of strings to the key name filter option with the help of the Copy Key Name(s) action from the multi-edit actions menu. With this action, users can easily copy the key names from the selected strings all at once. Then, they can paste them into the key name filter option to automatically populate it with the relevant key names.

Custom filter setup

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Working with Custom Filters
  1. To apply a filter, simply click on it
  2. To remove a filter, click on the Clear Filter icon (see screenshot below, pointer A)
  3. To delete a filter, hover over it and click on the bin icon (see screenshot below, pointer B)
  4. To edit a custom filter, hover over a filter and click on the pencil icon (see screenshot below, pointer C)
  1. You can apply a custom filter OR apply and save it. a. Your applied filter can be saved at any point by clicking on the save icon. can apply a filter and save it afterwards. It will be temporarily saved until you clear all filters (see screenshot below, pointer A). b. Your applied filter can be edited at any point by clicking on the pencil icon (see screenshot below, pointer B).

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Filtering in the Multi-Language View

When the Multi-Language view is enabled, there are additional filter options to find only the specific translations associated with a key where the values match the filter criteria.

To enable these additional filter options:

  1. Apply the filter
  2. Click the eye icon
  3. Select the multi-language filter criteria
    • Show all languages: displays all translations associated with the key, regardless of whether they match the filter criteria (default)
    • Show source and matching target languages: displays the source and only those translations associated with the key that match the filter criteria.
    • Show only matching languages: displays only those translations associated with the key that contain values matching the filter, hiding all other translations.

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