Project Settings

Configure your projects in the GL Strings Dashboard

This article will explain the options included in Project Settings. Users can access the Project Settings from the project dashboard.

General Settings

  • Edit the name of the project
  • Change the base language of the project
  • Assign the project to another team.
    • Please note that to assign the project to a new team, both the old and the new team MUST have the same custom workflow statuses.
  • Manage permissions for users with the translator/reviewer role
  • Sync content from another project into this project.
    • Please note that it's not possible to sync two branching projects or a branching project with a non-branching project
  • Delete a project.
    • Please note that project deletion cannot be undone. Be sure to export all translations before deleting a project.


  • Convert a project with drafts to a branched project
  • Edit an existing branch's settings
  • Merge branches
  • Create a new branch


  • Import backups
  • Create a manual backup


  • Disable/Enable the SDK Draft Mode
  • Disabled/Enable the SDK "Collect Missing IDs" setting to prevent the SDK from automatically uploading strings to the connected GL Strings project
  • View the project's API token
  • Whitelist IP addresses (this will limit the ability to upload to this project via the API to specific IPs)
  • Configure and manage webhooks
  • Configure and manage an integration with a JIRA instance


  • Enable/Disable Groups
  • Manage groups within a project


Tag Categories

  • Create and manage custom tag categories

Input Validation

  • Use the String ID Names Validation feature to enforce forbidden characters in string ID names

  • Use the String Validation feature to:

    • prevent users from saving draft or target strings that exceed their max length
    • prevent users from saving draft or target strings that are missing glossary term(s)
    • prevent users from saving draft or target strings with missing variable(s)
    • enforce forbidden characters in strings