Is your App Ready for GL Strings?

Is your App Ready for Localization with GL Strings

There are few prerequisites for using the GL Strings SDKs. You need to have your app prepared for translation for the given platform. All strings in scope need to be externalized in dedicated string files e.g. string XML for Android or in .string files for iOS. In other words, strings cannot be hard-coded into the app.

  • On iOS / Apple devices your strings need to be in a .strings file in order to be automatically uploaded to the GL Strings Dashboard. In order to have your dynamic texts localized, you have to use NSLocalizedString in your source code. Additionally you need to have Base Localization enabled for .storyboard and .nib files to have their static texts localized. At runtime, all static and dynamic texts will be automatically synchronized with the Dashboard.

  • On Android devices your strings need to be in a string resource .xml file in the /res/values/ folder in order to be automatically uploaded to the GL Strings Dashboard. To have your dynamic texts localized, you have to use getString in your source code. At runtime, all dynamic and static texts in your layout files will be automatically synchronized with the Dashboard.

Refer to the Integration Documentation or GL Strings SDK Overview for more information.

If you don’t want to use the SDKs, you can check the Supported File Formats and either go the manual import and export route or use the CLI to automate this process as part of your build and/or deployment pipeline. Alternatively, you can build a complete custom integration with the GL Strings Rest API.