CSV File

Coma-delimited file that is not platform specific

CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a lightweight, plain-text file format for managing translations. In GL Strings, CSV provides a simple alternative to XML-based formats like XLIFF—ideal for quick imports and manual editing.

A CSV file in GL Strings typically follows this structure:

  • Header Row: The first row defines the columns. Expected column headers include:

    Key: Unique identifier for the translation entry.

    Source: The original text in the source language.

    Target: The translated text in the target language.

    Context: (Optional) Additional context or reference URL.

    Description: (Optional) Extra notes or metadata for translators.

    Status: (Optional) Translation status (e.g., translated, needs-review).

  • Data Rows: Each subsequent row corresponds to one translation entry, with fields separated by commas. Fields containing commas, line breaks or special characters should be enclosed in double quotes.

File Extension
CLI format key
CLI Supported
SDK Supported
Pluralization Supported


id,en,Description,String Length
with_description_key,This key has a description in some file-formats.,,
with_line_break_key,"This key has a line break
in it.",,
nested_key.level_one_a.level_two,A deeply nested key.,,
nested_key.level_one_b,A nested key.,,
plural_key[one],Plural key one,,
plural_key[other],Plural key other,,
plural_key[zero],Plural key zero,,
array_key[0],first entry,,
array_key[1],second entry,,
array_key[2],third entry,,
simple_key,Most basic translation.,,