Coma-delimited file that is not platform specific
CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a lightweight, plain-text file format for managing translations. In GL Strings, CSV provides a simple alternative to XML-based formats like XLIFF—ideal for quick imports and manual editing.
A CSV file in GL Strings typically follows this structure:
Header Row: The first row defines the columns. Expected column headers include:
Key: Unique identifier for the translation entry.
Source: The original text in the source language.
Target: The translated text in the target language.
Context: (Optional) Additional context or reference URL.
Description: (Optional) Extra notes or metadata for translators.
Status: (Optional) Translation status (e.g., translated, needs-review).
Data Rows: Each subsequent row corresponds to one translation entry, with fields separated by commas. Fields containing commas, line breaks or special characters should be enclosed in double quotes.
id,en,Description,String Length
with_description_key,This key has a description in some file-formats.,,
with_line_break_key,"This key has a line break
in it.",,
nested_key.level_one_a.level_two,A deeply nested key.,,
nested_key.level_one_b,A nested key.,,
plural_key[one],Plural key one,,
plural_key[other],Plural key other,,
plural_key[zero],Plural key zero,,
array_key[0],first entry,,
array_key[1],second entry,,
array_key[2],third entry,,
simple_key,Most basic translation.,,